
We will do everything possible, within reason, to make the visit to the exhibition complex, and the exhibitions and activities organised by us, in accordance with the visitor's wishes. We will make every effort to minimise any nuisance or inconvenience to the visitor and ensure the visitor's safety as much as possible.

Personal data

When purchasing tickets, we ask you for your personal data. This data will be deleted after your visit. The e-mail address is only used for sending the ticket and for service mailing with additional information before and after your visit.

We only keep address data if it is necessary for sending information for a particular event, such as sending service information or an entry pass. This is not the case for regular tickets.


We respect your privacy and do not pass on any data to third parties. Your data may be used to improve our service.

For security reasons, there is camera surveillance in the exhibition complex.

Occasional photographs are taken inside the exhibition complex. The photos may also show visitors. We handle these photos, which we sometimes use for marketing purposes, with care. If you prefer not to have photos with your portrait used, please email us at or make this known to the photographer.


This site uses so-called 'cookies'. These keep track of site statistics. We use these statistics to improve the website.

General provisions: definitions

Article 1.1

'The organisation' and Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam means the organisation that manages and operates the exhibition complex, including, but not limited to, the management, curators, attendants and other museum officials authorised to act on behalf of this organisation.

Article 1.2

'The exhibition complex' means the entirety of spaces (built-up and unbuilt) under the legal or management authority of the management of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, including, but not limited to, exhibition hall, entrance area, toilet areas.

Article 1.3

By `visitor' is meant anyone who enters into an agreement in any way, directly or indirectly, with Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam with the aim of entering the exhibition complex and/or visiting an exhibition or attending an activity organised by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam for regular visitors during regular opening hours.

Article 1.4

These general Visitor Conditions apply to any agreement between Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam and a visitor. The conditions do not apply to special activities outside regular opening hours and/or aimed at visitors other than regular visitors, such as in the case of room hire, catering and the like.

Ticket sales, offers and prices

Article 2.1

All quotations, communications or other information supplied by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam are not without obligation. Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam accepts liability for any errors made by ourselves in price quotations, announcements or other information supplied to the visitor. This liability applies only to our own information material present within the organisation at the time of the claim, or recently distributed by or on behalf of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam. Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam is not liable for errors which can be attributed to intent, culpability or negligence of third parties.

Article 2.2

The visitor is at all times obliged to show the admission ticket and any card or voucher entitling him/her to a discount on the admission price to officers recognisable as such, including but not limited to security personnel, if requested.

Article 2.3

The potential visitor is not entitled to obtain a refund of the admission price or any other compensation in case of loss or theft of the admission ticket before entering the exhibition complex.

If a potential visitor does not use the pre-purchased admission ticket, this is at the visitor's own expense and risk; this is also the case if the admission ticket is only valid for a certain time and/or date. An admission ticket once obtained cannot be exchanged. Nor will there be a refund of the admission price.

An admission ticket may be exchanged or the admission price paid may be refunded if circumstances beyond the buyer's control make it impossible to visit the exhibition, but this is at the management's discretion.

Article 2.4

The potential visitor may be denied access to the exhibition complex if it appears that the admission ticket, discount card or voucher has not been obtained from Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam or any authority authorised to do so by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam.

Article 2.5

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam will refund the admission price actually paid by the visitor and travel expenses incurred only if the visitor has to leave the exhibition complex prematurely due to an unannounced exercise within the framework of the company emergency service (Article 23 Arbo law), as well as in the event of an actual calamity resulting in the complete or partial evacuation of the exhibition complex.

Article 2.6

When purchasing a ticket for Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam at the Noorderkerk, Amsterdam, the visitor acknowledges and accepts that it is their own responsibility to do sufficient research into the nature of the event and location. The organiser is not liable for misunderstandings arising from a visitor's incorrect assumption that the ticket grants admission to the Van Gogh Museum or any venue other than the Noorderkerk. Any incorrect assumptions or lack of research by the visitor are entirely their own responsibility and cannot be grounds for refund or compensation.

Staying in the exhibition complex

Article 3.1

During their stay in the exhibition complex, visitors shall behave in accordance with public order, good morals and the rules of decency applicable to the nature of the activity visited. Visitors are also obliged to immediately follow the directions and instructions given by identifiable officials of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, including but not limited to attendants.

If, in the reasonable opinion of an authorised official of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, who should be recognisable as such, the visitor acts in any way in contravention of these standards, directions or instructions, the visitor may be denied further access to the exhibition complex, without the visitor having any right to compensation for the cost of the admission ticket or any other costs incurred.

Article 3.2

Parents or supervisors of children are at all times responsible for and accountable for the behaviour of children they bring with them. Teachers and supervisors of groups are responsible for and accountable for the behaviour of group members they supervise.

Article 3.3

Among other things, visitors are prohibited from entering the exhibition complex:

  1. offering goods of any kind for sale or providing them free of charge to third parties;
  2. intentionally and permanently obstruct other visitors' routes or obstruct their view of exhibited objects;
  3. disturb other visitors, including but not limited to the use of mobile phones, sound equipment or other sources of noise nuisance;
  4. to bring (domestic) animals, unless they are explicitly permitted in certain areas or if they are (guide) dogs and accompany a visitor with an identification card;
  5. to smoke in all enclosed
  6. to bring food and refreshments into the enclosed areas of the exhibition complex;
  7. in the opinion of an official of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam recognisable as such, to carry any dangerous objects or substances, including but not limited to walking sticks, umbrellas or large bags; these may be handed in at a place to be designated by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam;
  8. suitcases and rucksacks measuring more than 40 by 60 cm. and weighing more than 10 kg. cannot be deposited at the cloakroom;
  9. to touch exhibited objects and exhibition material such as showcases, lighting, partitions and the like, unless this is expressly and explicitly permitted. Parents or supervisors of children should strictly ensure that exhibited objects are not touched by the children they bring along. Small children should be held by hand or transported by buggy; likewise, teachers and supervisors of groups shall ensure that the group members they are accompanying do not touch the objects on display.

Article 3.4

In special cases where the general safety of persons or the collection reasonably requires it, a senior official of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, recognisable as such by means of, for example, a badge, may request inspection of the (hand) luggage carried by the visitor. If deemed necessary, specially trained personnel may also request the visitor to cooperate in a security search upon entering or leaving the exhibition complex. The potential visitor will be warned before entering the exhibition complex that this measure is in force.

Article 3.5

Except with prior written permission from the Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam management, visitors are forbidden to make photo, video and film recordings using lamps, flash equipment and tripods.

It is also forbidden, other than with the prior written permission of the Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam board of directors, to publish or multiply these photo, video and film recordings, in any way and with any medium whatsoever, including electronic media.

Article 3.6

The museum may deny access to the exhibition complex permanently or for a certain period of time to a visitor who has deliberately damaged an object during one or more previous visits to a Dutch exhibition complex, or who otherwise justifies the fear of damage; the museum may in any case subject this visitor to the measures mentioned in Article 3.4 of these Conditions for Visitors during all his visits.

The decision to deny access must be notified to this visitor without delay, if possible in writing and with reasons.

Article 3.7

Disabled transport larger than a mobility scooter is not possible, at the discretion of the management.

Complaints and claims

Article 4.1

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam shall do everything possible to ensure that visits to the exhibition complex or the exhibitions and activities organised by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam take place in accordance with the published offer; this also includes the obligation to inform the public to the best of one's ability about full, partial or early closure of the exhibition complex and/or exhibitions organised by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam. Furthermore, Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam informs the potential public about maintenance work, renovations or the (re)arrangement of rooms causing disturbance. The visitor can never derive a right to compensation from this.

Article 4.2

Advertising is not possible with regard to the following complaints and circumstances, which cannot be avoided by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, and therefore never lead to any obligation for compensation by the museum to the visitor:

  1. complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by other visitors, including but not limited to noise nuisance, inappropriate behaviour, theft and molestation;
  2. complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by maintenance work, including but not limited to renovation or the (re)arrangement of rooms;
  3. complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by the improper functioning of facilities in the exhibition complex.

Article 4.3

Complaints about and requests for recovery concerning the agreement between Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam and the visitor should reach us in writing within six weeks of the visit having taken place. Complaints and requests for claims submitted after this period will not be considered.

Article 4.4

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam will investigate the complaint and respond in writing within 30 days of receipt. If the investigation has not been completed by then, the complainant will be notified of this and the probable time when it will be.

Article 4.5

Visitors may submit complaints, complaints and suggestions for improvement in writing by completing a form available from the organisation.

Liability of the museum

Article 5.1

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam shall under no circumstances be liable for damage resulting from quotations, announcements or other forms of information supplied to the visitor by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam and/or third parties, except if and insofar as this damage is the direct result of intent or gross negligence on the part of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam and/or its employees.

Article 5.2

Visitors' stay in the exhibition complex is at their own expense and risk.

The museum is only liable for material and/or consequential damage suffered by the visitor or injury inflicted on the visitor which is the direct and exclusive result of intent or gross negligence on the part of the museum, on the understanding that only damage for which the museum is insured, or should have been insured in all reasonableness and fairness, is eligible for compensation.

Article 5.3

Under no circumstances shall Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam be liable to pay a higher amount of compensation than:

  1. the actual admission price paid and actual travel expenses incurred or, if more;
  2. the amount paid out by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam's insurer to Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam in respect of the damage, or;
  3. the compensation obtained in respect of the damage from another third party.

Article 5.4

Under no circumstances is Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam liable for damage caused to the visitor's vehicles, except if and insofar as the damage has occurred in or at the exhibition complex and this damage is the direct result of an intentional act or omission or gross negligence on the part of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam and/or its employees.

Article 5.5

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam shall under no circumstances be liable for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever resulting from any defect, any quality or circumstance in or on any immovable property of which Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam is the holder, leaseholder, lessee or owner or which is otherwise at the disposal of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, except if and insofar as the damage is the direct result of an intentional act or omission or gross negligence on the part of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam and/or its employees.

Article 5.6

If Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam accepts goods or if goods are deposited, stored and/or left behind in any way whatsoever by whomever without Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam stipulating any compensation, then Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam shall never be liable for damage to or in connection with goods in any way whatsoever unless Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam has deliberately caused damage, or the damage is the result of gross negligence on the part of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam.

Article 5.7

The total liability of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam due to attributable failure to comply with the visit agreement shall be limited to compensation for direct damage and shall under no circumstances exceed the compensation arrangement described under 5.3.

Article 5.8

In the event of damage due to death or physical injury, the total liability of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam shall under no circumstances exceed the compensation arrangement described under 5.3.

Article 5.9

Liability of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam for indirect damage, including consequential damage, lost profit or wages, missed savings et cetera, is excluded.

Article 5.10

The maximum amounts mentioned in Article 5.3 shall lapse if and insofar as the damage is the result of intent or gross negligence on the part of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam or any of its officers.

Force majeure

Article 6.1

As force majeure for Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, which means that any shortcoming caused by it cannot be attributed to Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam, any unforeseeable circumstance which interferes with Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam's fulfilment of the agreement to such an extent that, temporarily or permanently, the fulfilment of the agreement becomes impossible or difficult.

Article 6.2

Such circumstances include circumstances involving persons and/or services and/or institutions used by Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam in the execution of the visit agreement, as well as everything that applies to the aforementioned parties as force majeure or suspensive or resolutive condition, as well as attributable failure on the part of the aforementioned parties.

Found objects

Article 7.1

Objects found by visitors in the exhibition complex can be handed in to a Van Gogh & Rembrandt employee in Amsterdam who can be recognised as such.

Article 7.2

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam will make every effort to track down the owner or rightful claimant of the found object, and maintains regular contact with the local police to this end. Found objects are kept for six months.

Article 7.3

In case the owner or rightful claimant of a found object comes forward, he/she has the choice of collecting the goods himself/herself or having them sent to him/her cash on delivery. In both cases, the owner or entitled party must provide proper identification.

Other conditions

Article 8.1

The applicability of these Conditions for Visitors does not affect the possible applicability of other (contractual) conditions and/or regulations of Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam.

Applicable law

Article 9.1

Dutch law applies to these Conditions for Visitors and to the agreement between the visitor and Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam.

Article 9.2

Any disputes arising from the agreement between the visitor and Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam shall be submitted exclusively to the court of competent jurisdiction in Amsterdam.

Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam B.V.
Noordermarkt 45
1015NA Amsterdam

T: +31 20 420 4000

BTW-nr: NL866444191B01
KVK-nr: 93544227 geregistreerd in Amsterdam